Analyst Coverage

The following is a list of analysts of securities firms and research institutes making recommendations and critiques of our business performance.
(Companies listed in Japanese alphabetical order)

Updated: Oct.1, 2023

Analyst Report

Firm Analyst


Teruo Isozaki


Terashima Noboru

Other Report

Firm Analyst

Stock Research Center

Fujino Keita

  • This list is intended to provide investors with information on analysts, companies, and research institutions that analyze or forecast our performance, and is not a solicitation or recommendation to buy or sell our stock, nor we do not endorse or guarantee the forecasts, opinions, or recommendations of the forecasts therein.
  • Please understand that not all analysts may be listed, nor may all information necessarily be current, including analyst transfers. Inconsistencies may exist in some information. This is because analysts, both regularly and irregularly, analyze our financial and business performance, environment, economic trends, and other factors based on their own metrics and determinations for forecasting our business performance and other matters. Neither we nor our management team is involved in any way in the process of making such forecasts.
  • Investors are kindly advised to make any final decisions regarding actual investments at their own risk.